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CT State Community College offers a variety of fully online courses. In fact, you may even be able to complete select degree and certificate programs without ever having to set foot in a classroom! 

Additionally, financial aid is available to online students just like for traditional courses, and you will enjoy the same academic support services, such as access to tutoring and campus libraries, as students taking in-person classes.

Getting Started

Registering for an Online Course

Registering for an online credit course is easy! In fact, the process is the same as if you're registering for an in-person course.

Logging In For the First Time

Follow these steps to log into myCTState and Blackboard for your online credit courses.

  1. Go to 
  2. Enter your NetID and password, and click "Login"
  3. Find the Blackboard tile and click on the link to access Blackboard
  4. Alternatively, you may enter Blackboard directly by going to

See the "Additional Resources and Assistance" section below for help with your NetID and password.

Navigate Your Online Courses

Once you are in Blackboard, you can click on "Courses" on the left panel. Approximately one week before your classes start, you will see the list of classes that you have registered for. Click on a course title to enter its Blackboard shell. You may switch courses by closing out the current course by clicking on the "X" in the upper left corner and selecting a different course.  To avoid a time-out message while you are working on Blackboard, once you are in Blackboard, you will return to the window and logout. 

Are Online Courses Right For Me?

Online courses are a great way to maintain a flexible schedule that works with your lifestyle but they aren't for everyone. Here are some things to consider before taking an online course:

1. How are your organizational and time-management skills?
Online coursework is often self-guided and independently completed. Successful online students are self-motivated, organized and able to manage their time to ensure all assignments are completed on time.

2. How comfortable are you with technology?
Online courses are, well, online. You must be able to navigate the Internet and the software that online courses are run on (Blackboard Learn).

3. Do you like a challenge?
Don't assume that just because a course is online it won't be as difficult or rigorous as a similar in-person course. You should not sign up for online courses thinking they will somehow be "easier" than taking an in-person counterpart.

Additional Resources and Assistance