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Pathway To Teaching Careers

Benefits of This Program

Under this articulation agreement with Central Connecticut State University (CCSU), you’ll save on the first two years of your bachelor’s degree as you start preparing to become a teacher, an occupation that continues to show high demand in Connecticut.

  • The requirement of taking 15 CCSU credits prior to applying to the teaching program is waived for TCC Pathway to Teaching Careers graduates.
  • Seamless transfer of credits for those students who are accepted into CCSU’s School of Education and Professional Studies.
  • While attending Tunxis, you’ll benefit from dual advising with Tunxis and CCSU faculty.
  • The CCSU Teacher Education program is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).

Pathway to Teaching Careers Degrees + Certificates

Pathway to Teaching Careers Degree

This program is designed to parallel the first two years of study at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) for students preparing to enter a baccalaureate program in primary or secondary education.

Under the provisions of the articulation agreement, graduates of the TCC Pathway to Teaching Careers Program with a grade point average of 2.7 or higher, who received their associates degree may apply to CCSU’s School of Education and Professional Studies. Students will be considered for CCSU’s School of Education and Professional Studies’ Teacher Education Program on an equal basis with native students at CCSU who become eligible to apply to this selective admissions program during their sophomore year, for enrollment as a junior. Upon acceptance, all of your Tunxis credits transfer seamlessly toward a bachelor’s degree in teacher education.

*Admission to CCSU does not automatically guarantee admission to the Teacher Education program.


Contact Information

Dr. LaKisha Grant-Washington
Program Coordinator

Jennifer Vamvakas, Guided Pathway Advisor