EMS is For Reserving Rooms

If you need to reserve rooms for any purpose you need to use EMS, it notifies those responsible for scheduling, security/access codes, seating, cabling, computer access, and audio/video.

Before You Use EMS

Getting Started – If this is your first time using EMS please email [email protected] to be sure you have access using your 8-digit id number and computer password..

Regular Classes – Semester-long classroom assignments do not need to be requested here, you will automatically receive all the info you need. If you are requesting a change to a permanent classroom of this kind then contact [email protected].

Furniture – Facilities always needs at least two weeks notice in order to setup anything you may have requested when making your reservation. Exceptions to this set-up rule are rooms 6-127 & 6-128, which are the responsibility of the requestor. You should never move furniture from space to space.

Random Button – when you need to schedule recurring events that do not meet weekly or monthly, click the random button. From here you can chose any dates you need. This saves you from making a separate reservation for each date.

CEO Conference Room – If you’d like to reserve this space, please contact Anarelis Cruz or Monica Russano to discuss its availability.

After You Schedule a Room

You will receive a confirmation email that contains the access code to your room. The codes are listed under the date and time of your event.


Please email [email protected] with any questions/issues/concerns regarding rooms.

To visit this page from any browser on Earth just visit tunxis.edu/reservations.

If you are an outside group who needs to reserve a space at Tunxis please use the Facility Reservation Form. Fill out the form and click the Submit button located at it’s top.